Special-appointment Research Advisor
Minoru Noda
- Profile
1981: Graduated from the Faculty of Commerce and Management, Hitotsubashi University. Joins the Nomura Research Institute (NRI).
1987: Took a master’s degree from Hitotsubashi University.
1992: Appointed Manager, NRI Management Consulting Department.
2000: Appointed Executive Manager, NRI Management Consulting Department.
April 2001: Appointed to the post of Assistant Professor (later promoted to Professor), the School of Management and Information Sciences, Tama University. Appointed Fellow in Charge of New Business at Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd..
November 2007: Established J. Feel Inc. (a consulting company supporting organizational management) in cooperation with AMUSE Inc.. Served as President until February 2010.
April 2008: Appointed to the post of Professor, the Graduate School of Global Business (MBA Program), Meiji University.
September 2013: Established Institute of social human capital.
Minoru Noda specializes in organizational theory, strategic management theory, and meeting management.
His focus is on individual behaviors and decision making in a wide range of organizations, from small groups to large corporations.
- Soshikiron Sainyumon (Reintroduction to Organizational Theory), DIAMOND, Inc.
- Chuken Hokai (The Collapse of Mid Management), DIAMOND, Inc.
- Niryu wo Cho-Ichiryu ni Kaeru Kokoro no Moyashi Kata (How to motivate 2nd-tier employees to become super elites” (Forest, Publishing Co., Ltd.)
- Atatakai Sochiki Kanjo (A Warm Sense of Organization), Softbank Creative Corporation
- Moetatsu Soshiki (Fired up Organizations), GOMA-BOOKS Co., Ltd.
- Kigyo Kiki no Hosoku (Rules for Corporate Risk), Kadokawa Corporation
- Yaruki wo Dasu Seikashugi Muda ni Kibishii Seikashugi (Achievement-Based Management that Motivates People, Achievement-Based Management that is too Severe), Seishun Publishing Co., Ltd.
- Kaisha no Shikumi ga Wakaru Hon (A Guide to Understanding Corporate Structure), Nikkei Publishing Inc.
- Commitment wo Hikidasu Management (Management that Encourages Commitment), PHP Inc.
- Risk Diet, Aspect Digital Media Corporation
- Shikumi Kakushin (Structural Innovation)(co-author), Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
- Management Renaissance (co-author), Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
Appearance on TV
- "Broadcaster" (TBS), commentator
- "Zoom In Super" (Nippon Television), news anchor
- "Keizai Wide Vision e" (NHK General), anchor
- "Biz Spo Wide" (NHK General), anchor
- "Shigotogaku no Susume" (NHK E Television), host
- "7PM" (BS Japan), anchor